Monday, January 24, 2011

Madmans squibbling .. contd..

Rather than a blog, this is a short note on weird stuff going on in my brain. If rated, it could well range from ridiculous shit to Freudesque garbage.. Reading this is highly discouraged... I have listened to an hours worth of a lecture on THE DOORS, before that i had got really "better"..

What is the smallest unit of life? A collection of years, which in short is a collection of months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. The smallest unit of life is may be present or "NOW". But what do we do at "NOW", we either think of what he did before "NOW" at an earlier "NOW" or what we will do after "NOW" at a later "NOW".

So when we get to now (five seconds later... ), the moment that we thought of at an earlier "NOW", all we are doing is not the thing that we want to do now, but thinking of what we had said at a previous "NOW". There in comes the phrase, "live in the moment". If humans started doing that, it would result in chaos, confusion. That is the reason why we bank on the past and look to the future, and pee on the present. (RDB)...

Rating a day happy or sad or bad now takes a really interesting turn. When we are not concentrating on "NOW" and missing what we are doing "NOW", and not celebrating "NOW", how can we say how we felt in the last minute, which makes up the last hour, which makes up the last day, and slowly adds to life.

"Where's your will to be weird? ", Jim Morrison. Weirdness is will to live in NOW !!!

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